Is Dairy Bad For Your Skin?
Dairy is generally known for two things: building strong bones, and causing breakouts. But is it true that dairy has deleterious effects on the skin? Here's what dermatologists say.
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The Lede

What we consume has an impact on a number of our organs — and our skin is no exception. Says Dr. Cheri Frey, an assistant professor of dermatology at Howard University: "We wouldn't question whether or not what we eat has an impact on our liver or our kidneys. The skin is an organ, it's the largest organ, so certainly it has an impact." Here's how Frey and Dr. Susan Massick, an associate professor of dermatology at Ohio State, think dairy affects our skin.

Key Details

  • Studies show a correlation between drinking milk and acne breakouts, though the full extent of dairy's effect is unclear and differs between people.
  • Massick says that some studies show that the hormones in cow's milk have a particular impact on skin. "Other dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, are not correlated with increased breakouts," she says.
  • Dairy is crucial for calcium and vitamin D, so don't cut it out entirely. But you can also get calcium from fortified nut milks and dark leafy greens.


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