
A Right-Wing Commentator Furious That Some Women Don't Want Children, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

A Right-Wing Commentator Furious That Some Women Don't Want Children, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
Another day, another person getting irrationally upset about pronouns.
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Every day, somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on Twitter from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

This week's Main Characters include someone oversharing about their relationship, a gamer who still can't get over the whole pronoun thing and a conservative commentator still firmly stuck in the stone age.


Melissa Erickson

The character: Melissa Erickson, mom, person who thinks writing in cursive matters

The plot: On Thursday, Twitter (sorry, X) user Melissa Erickson aired her frustrations at the fact that her 20-something-year-old sons don’t know how to mail a letter, write a check, send a package or write in cursive. Yikes.

The repercussion: Ignoring the fact that writing in cursive is largely unimportant, most people were confused by Erickson complaining about her sons being unable to do things that, as one of their parents, it was kind of on her to teach them.

X users also joked about other old-fashioned things that their imaginary sons in their 20s don’t know how to do.

Darcy Jimenez



The character: Max, online poster, elder millennial, curious mind

The plot: I must applaud Max, who asked how smart people — “say iq 145+” — realized their minds differed from “avg folks” in this tremendously straightforward post.

The repercussion:

This is pure X posting. Call and response. A good-faith, hook, line and sinker tweet that elicits old-school jest.

Adwait Patil


Nina Infinity

The character: Nina Infinity, gamer who hates video games having inclusive options

The plot: Hey fellas, are you violently mad that "woke" video games let people use their preferred pronouns when creating a fictional character? Like, aggressively angry that there's a button to include them? Even though it's totally optional and just a nice, considerate feature for some people? If this sounds like you, here are some tweets supporting your inane rage!

Note: The game doesn’t actually ask you for anything, the pronoun option is just there if you want it, and you can ignore it if you don't. The character creator is a fraction of the entire game.

The repercussion: If you want to go down the rabbit hole of people flipping their sh—t over this simple courtesy, there are a lot of YouTubers making videos about the topic. A topic no one else is really thinking about or concerned with, as it isn’t a problem whatsoever. Some people (mainly dude bros) just cannot handle a changing world in which gender is a spectrum and people have the autonomy and right to call themselves whatever they want, even it doesn’t fit into the old-school concept of sexual binaries.

Jared Russo



The character: Aella, X account with a big following, loves an honest opinion

The plot: Aella, a popular X account (based purely off their follower count), posted about one of their partners giving them an elaborate apology note after they said “you’re not that pretty” to Aella during a “tender moment.” The post was shared in response to a joke tweet about the importance of "committing to the bit" that your girlfriend is the most beautiful woman in the world.

(And if the OP seems familiar, it might be because of their previous OMC material, namely a tweet about not showering regularly — but hey, who are we to judge?)

The repercussion:

If you let people on the internet see any aspect your personal life, be ready to either feature in the next Hollywood script or be piled on incessantly. The commenters who were the loudest were mostly irked by the behavior of both people in this relationship, and OP didn’t receive much sympathy from anyone in particular.

Adwait Patil


Matt Walsh

The character: Matt Walsh, right-wing commentator, policer of women's lives

The plot: Sorry to remind you of Matt Walsh's existence, but the below tweet from him caused such a stir — including national news coverage — that it would be remiss of me not to include it in this week's roundup.

Last weekend, TikTok user Julia Mazur posted a lighthearted video about what her day as a single, childless young woman would entail — including waking up late, making shakshouka and watching TV. Nice!

That is, until Walsh shared her video on X, deducing — from one short clip — that because Mazur doesn't have children, her life "revolves around TV shows and pop stars." "Worst of all, she’s too stupid to realize how depressing this is," he wrote.

That's right: in the year 2023, men still expect women to prioritize bearing children over any other aspiration they might have, and continue to shame those who dare to choose a different path than the one tradition prescribes. Why does anyone care whether anyone else has children or not? Seriously, why? I don't understand.

The repercussion: Though Mazur sadly received hate and death threats in response to her post, many online came out in support of her — including "Shark Tank" businessman Mark Cuban, who argued with former Trump adviser Stephen Miller in Mazur's defense.

Mazur herself also posted a response to the uproar, calling out Matt Walsh and his abusive followers.

@pmdpod Getting bullied on social media was definitely not on my bingo card this year. #childlessmillennial #childlessbychoice #singleinyour30s ♬ original sound - Julia Mazur


Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, featuring someone who thinks they're the authority on good and bad art, a sportsman with a confusing take, a Frenchman riling up Americans and an NFL Twitter account that should've paused for thought before hitting send.


  1. Lee Harrington 4 weeks ago

    This woman very clearly makes the point that this is not something she has planned, but is simply the way things have panned out for her. She then goes on to elaborate why it is not such a bad thing. So the right wing retards are either too stupid to know what a person is actually saying, or they are angry that she is not miserable.

  2. This is, if I'm not mistaken, the first time this column has referred to it as X. I was enjoying how One Main Character was ignoring Musk's repeated efforts to be the permanent Main Character, including stupid name changes. I hope you just keep calling it Twitter, and maybe consider expanding the scope to BlueSky, which seems to generate Discourse far above its weight.

  3. Trying2know 1 month ago

    "That's right: in the year 2023, men still expect women to prioritize bearing children over any other aspiration they might have" -Anyway you can say "some men", I hate being roped into things i dont agree with.

    1. DukeofWulf 1 month ago

      If you don't agree with it, you're getting mad at the wrong people.

  4. cd 1 month ago

    Youtube is absolutely crammed with videos of Gen X making fun of young people. YOU'RE THEIR FUCKING PARENTS! If there is anything wrong with "kids these days" and I dont think there is, anymore than other gens, it's their fault. 'They also have a lot to say about political correctness despite the fact that they invented the modern version of it in the early 90's. They were insufferable then and they haven't improved.

  5. John Doe 1 month ago

    My wife is a "Midwest 7," and we joke about it. Her response is usually along the lines of, "I remember when women thought you were good-looking."

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